Application for Employment

An Equal Opportunity Employer

Each question should be fully and accurately answered. No action can be taken on this application until all questions have been answered. All information given will be available only to persons who have a "need to know" or as required by law. This company will make reasonable accommodation in the application process, if needed.

* indicates required field

Store Location

Personal Information

Work Preference


Availability For Work

Work preference:*
Shift preference:*
Will you work daily overtime on occasion if necessary?*
Will you work extra days in the week if necessary?*

Present Employment

Do you have to give advance notice to your present employer?*


Have you missed more than a day or two of work or school for any reason in the past five years?*
Are you a minor (under 18 years old)?*

Prior Events

Have you ever worked for or applied for work at this company before?*
Have you ever been discharged for cause?*
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense?*

Education and Training

Grade and High School

Did you graduate?*
Select the highest grade you completed in high school/secondary school:*


Other (Graduate, Trade School, Correspondence School, etc)

Was course completed?*

Record of Employment

Current/Most Recent Employer

Are you still employed with this company?*
May we contact this employer for a reference?

Certificate of Applicant

Read carefully before signing

All information provided by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand any omissions or misrepresentations on this application may result in rejection or if employed, may be cause for subsequent dismissal. I hereby authorize any former employer, person, firm or corporation listed herein including this company to answer any and all question and agree to hold all persons harmless for giving any and all truthful information within their knowledge or records. I understand this is a preliminary application and not a contract to employ me. I understand and agree that any employment I may obtain is for no definite period of time. If employed, I agree to comply with all rules of the company as a condition of continued employment.

This Employment Application is used to notify me that the nature and scope of an investigation, if one is conducted, could include such general identification information as residence verification, and, as applicable, information concerning my employment, education, general reputation, character, personal characteristics, and habits, and that such information may be developed through personal interviews with third parties such as family members, neighbors, friends, associates, former employers, financial sources, and custodians of official records. Only job-related information developed from such a report will be considered in evaluating my employment application or continued employment. I hereby authorize these persons, companies, organizations or corporations to answer all questions or release any information regarding the items listed in this paragraph. I hereby release them from any liability and hold them harmless from any claim for releasing any truthful information within their knowledge and/or records.

I authorize the company to release to any person, firm, entity or organization with which I may seek employment in the future, any truthful information concerning my work experience with the company. I hereby release and hold the company harmless from any claim for releasing any truthful information within its knowledge and/or records.

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